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table of eighteen , 18 ones are eighteen, 18 one ja 18 , 18 one za 18 table in english pdf download

18 ones are eighteen, 18 one ja 18 , 18 one za 18 table , table of eighteen  : after learning table of 17 now here we are going to learn table of 18. which come after table of 16 in every table , first
we will learn the table of eighteen  in the form of addition (+) and then we will create the table of 18 in the form of
multiplication (X).
if you are studying in
the base class in your school like LKG , UKG or first class then start learning
this table , to learn this table revise it several times in a day means repeat
the table many time in a day , after some time means after repeating several
times you will memorize it automatic. So students start practicing. If you are a
teacher then try to make the table of eighteen  learning in simplest way by making good
18 ones are eighteen table 
 18 ones are
 18 twos are 
 18 threes are 
 18 fours are 
 18 fives are 
 18 six’s are 
 18 sevens are 
 18 eights are 
 18 nines are 
 18 tens are 
18 one ja 18 table
 18 one ja
 18 two ja
 18 three ja
 18 four ja
 18 five ja
 18 six ja
 18 seven ja
 18 eight ja
 18 nine ja
 18 ten ja
 18 elevens ja
 18 twelve’s ja
 18 thirteens ja
 18 fourteens ja
 18 fifteens ja
 18 sixteens ja
 18 seventeen’s ja
 18 eighteens ja
 18 nineteen’s ja
 18 twenties ja
18 one za 18 table
 18 one za
 18 two za
 18 three za
 18 four za
 18 five za
 18 six za
 18 seven za
 18 eight za
 18 nine za
 18 ten za
 18 elevens za
 18 twelves za
 18 thirteens za
 18 fourteen za
 18 fifteens za
 18 sixteens za 
 18 seventeen’s za
 18 eighteens za
 18 nineteens za
 18 twenties za
table of eighteen  in words 
18 ones are 
 18 twos are 
 Thirty six
 18 threes are 
 Fifty four
 18 fours are 
 Seventy two
 18 fives are 
 18 sixes are 
 One hundred eight
 18 sevens are 
 One hundred twenty six
 18 eights are 
 One hundred forty four
 18 nines are 
 One hundred sixty two
 18 tens are 
 One hundred eighty
 18 eleven s are 
 One hundred ninety eight
 18 twelves are 
 Two hundred sixteen
 18 thirteens are 
 Two hundred thirty four  
 18 fourteens are 
 Two hundred fifty two
 18 fifteens are 
 Two hundred seventy
 18 sixteen’s are 
 Two hundred eighty eight
 18 seventeen’s are 
 Three hundred six
 18 eighteens are 
Three hundred twenty four
 18 nineteens are 
Three hundred forty two
 18 twenties are 
Three hundred sixty
table of eighteen een in multiplication form
 18 x 1
 18 x 2 
 18 x 3
 18 x 4
 18 x 5
 18 x 6
 18 x 7
 18 x 8
 18 x 9
 18 x 10
 18 x 11
 18 x 12
 18 x 13
 18 x 14
 18 x 15
 18 x 16
 18 x 17
 18 x 18
 18 x 19
 18 x 20
table of eighteen  in addition form
 18 + 0 
 18 + 18
 18 + 36
 18 + 54
 18 + 72
 18 + 90
 18 + 108
 18 + 126
 18 + 144
 18 + 162
 18 + 180
 18 + 198
 18 + 216
 18 + 234
 18 + 252
 18 + 270
 18 + 288
 18 + 306
 18 + 324
 18 + 342

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