Posted onNovember 19, 2019inchemistry अधिशोषक व अधिशोष्य क्या है , adsorbent and adsorbate in hindi , example , difference
Posted onNovember 18, 2019inchemistry प्रतिहिम पदार्थ का नाम बताइये , एक मोलल तथा एक मोलर विलयन में से कौनसा विलयन अधिक सान्द्र है ?
Posted onNovember 17, 2019inchemistry गैस नियतांक क्या है , परिभाषा , गैस नियतांक की विमा व मात्रक , SI , cgs , Gas constant in hindi
Posted onNovember 17, 2019inDigital electronics ANALOG PULSE MODULATION METHODS , Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) , Time Modulation (PTM)
Posted onNovember 17, 2019inchemistry colligative properties in hindi , definition , examples , अणु संख्यक गुण which of the following is not
Posted onNovember 17, 2019inDigital electronics NYQUIST RATE AND NYQUIST INTERVAL , defined for correct sampling is , EFFECT OF UNDER SAMPLING
Posted onNovember 17, 2019inDigital electronics SAMPLING THEOREM , proof , definition , application , sampling theorem in digital communication
Posted onNovember 16, 2019inDigital electronics random signals , significance of random signals in probability theory? , What is sample space?
Posted onNovember 16, 2019inchemistry एथेनोल व जल मिश्रण धनात्मक विचलन दर्शाता है , शुद्ध एसिटोन तथा क्लोरोफोर्म मिश्रण ऋणात्मक विचलन
Posted onNovember 16, 2019inDigital electronics CUMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION (CDF) , Properties , DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLE