Posted onDecember 10, 2019inPhysics विद्युत द्विध्रुव की स्थितिज ऊर्जा (U) , potential energy due to electric dipole in hindi
Posted onDecember 8, 2019inPhysics विभव प्रवणता क्या है , विमा , सूत्र , potential gradient in hindi राशि , विमीय सूत्र , in electric field
Posted onDecember 6, 2019inPhysics विद्युत विभव क्या है , सूत्र , विमा , राशि , मात्रक विभवांतर में अंतर , विद्युत विभवान्तर किसे कहते है
Posted onDecember 5, 2019inPhysics साबुन के बुलबुले का पृष्ठ तनाव , साबुन के बुलबुले की त्रिज्या , पृष्ठीय आवेश घनत्व , soap bubble surface tension
Posted onDecember 5, 2019inUncategorized 12th class chemistry model test paper 2019-20 sample paper रसायन विज्ञान सैंपल पेपर in hindi
Posted onDecember 3, 2019inUncategorized 12th class english compulsory model test paper 2019-2020 , rajasthan board , RBSE sample paper
Posted onDecember 1, 2019inUncategorized Model paper 2019 – 2020 guess paper in hindi , physics , chemistry , english , hindi , biology
Posted onDecember 1, 2019inDigital electronics DIGITAL MULTIPLEXERS , MULTIPLEXING definition , techniques , Frequency , time Division Multiplexing (FDM)
Posted onNovember 30, 2019inDigital electronics pulse digital modulation scheme , Noise effect in PCM , digital communications , block diagram of DPCM
Posted onNovember 29, 2019inDigital electronics Consider an audio signal with spectral components limited to the frequency band of 300 to 3300 Hz.