Posted onAugust 11, 2020inDigital electronics Determine the output voltage of an op-amp for input voltage of 200 uV and 160 uV. the differential gain of op-amp is 4000 and value of CMRR is 150
Posted onAugust 10, 2020inchemistry, chemistry फॉस्फाजीन (phosphazene in hindi) , फास्फाजीन बनाने की विधियाँ , संरचना और बंध , गुण उपयोग
Posted onAugust 9, 2020inBiology, Biology स्तनी अथवा मैमेलिया वर्ग (class mammalia in hindi) , स्तनधारी , वर्ग मैमेलिया के मुख्य लक्षणों का वर्णन कीजिए
Posted onAugust 8, 2020inDigital electronics Widlar Current Source | what is widlar current source using mosfet , output resistance
Posted onAugust 7, 2020inBiology, Biology एवीज वर्ग : पक्षी अथवा चिड़ियाँ (aves class : the birds in hindi) पक्षी वर्ग के 4 सामान्य लक्षण लिखिए
Posted onAugust 7, 2020inDigital electronics comparators are used in | comparators are used in circuits such as | comparator definition meaning
Posted onAugust 7, 2020inDigital electronics Integrator : what is Integrator definition , formula , meaning circuit waveform transfer function
Posted onAugust 5, 2020in12th geography, geography प्राकृतिक सम्पदा का प्रबन्धीकरण (management of natural resources in hindi) प्राकृतिक संसाधन
Posted onAugust 4, 2020in12th geography, geography नाभिकीय विकिरण (nuclear radiation in hindi) | विकिरण के प्रकार (types of radiation) आयनीकारी
Posted onAugust 4, 2020inDigital electronics average codeword length definition | what is average codeword length definition formula