Posted onFebruary 4, 2021inchemistry, chemistry आन्त्र ज्वर (typhoid) के लिए सामान्यतः उपयोग की जाने वाली औषधि है typhoid used for which disease in hindi
Posted onFebruary 3, 2021inrajasthan देश हितैषिणी सभा की स्थापना | देश हितैषी सभा की स्थापना किसने की कहाँ और कब desh hiteshini sabha in hindi
Posted onFebruary 3, 2021incontrol system, Digital electronics, electronics In the given circuit below, values of VC(0+) and dIL(0+)/dt are solution and answer
Posted onFebruary 3, 2021incontrol system, Digital electronics, electronics A capacitor is charged by a constant current of 2 mA and results in a voltage incresase of 12 V in a 10 s interval. the value of capacitance is
Posted onFebruary 3, 2021incontrol system, Digital electronics, electronics A two-port network is represented by ABCD-parameters given by If port 2 is terminated by RL, the input impedance seen at port 1 is given by
Posted onFebruary 3, 2021incontrol system, Digital electronics, electronics An AC source of rms voltage 20 V with internal impedance ZS = (1 + 2j) feeds a load of impedance ZL = (7 + 4J) in the figure below. the reactive power consumed by the load is
Posted onFebruary 2, 2021inrajasthan राजपूताना मध्य भारत सभा की स्थापना कब हुई | राजपूताना मध्य भारत सभा किसने की Rajputana central india assembly in hindi
Posted onFebruary 1, 2021inrajasthan वीर भारत सभा की स्थापना किसने की | वीर भारत सभा के संस्थापक कौन थे कब हुई veer bharat sabha established in hindi
Posted onFebruary 1, 2021inchemistry, chemistry अक्रिय गैस की परिभाषा क्या है | अक्रिय गैस किसे कहते है नाम कितने है इलेक्ट्रॉनिक विन्यास Inert gas in hindi
Posted onJanuary 31, 2021inrajasthan राजस्थान केसरी के संपादक कौन थे | राजस्थान केसरी वर्धा समाचार पत्र कब संपादित हुआ rajasthan kesari newspaper published by