Posted onFebruary 8, 2021July 1, 2024inchemistry, chemistry गैमेक्सीन क्या है | गैमेक्सीन पाउडर का उपयोग का रासायनिक नाम | gamaxin powder uses in hindi
Posted onFebruary 7, 2021inrajasthan देश की पहली महिला जिला प्रमुख कौन थी ? the country first female (woman) district chief in hindi
Posted onFebruary 7, 2021incontrol system, Digital electronics, electronics time invariant and time variant systems examples | difference between time invariant and time variant system
Posted onFebruary 7, 2021incontrol system, Digital electronics, electronics impulse response of a discrete time lti system | the impulse response of discrete time signal is given by h n =u n+3
Posted onFebruary 6, 2021inविज्ञान बौद्धिक संपदा किसे कहते हैं ? intellectual property in hindi meaning definition बौद्धिक सम्पदा की परिभाषा क्या है ?
Posted onFebruary 6, 2021inrajasthan राजस्थान का दूसरा भामाशाह किसे कहा जाता है | द्वितीय भामाशाह किसे कहते है second Bhamashah of rajasthan in hindi
Posted onFebruary 6, 2021incontrol system, Digital electronics, electronics energy signal and power signals | what are energy and power signals in signals and systems example
Posted onFebruary 5, 2021inrajasthan मारवाड़ सेवा संघ की स्थापना किसने की | मारवाड़ सेवा संघ के संस्थापक कौन है marwar seva sangh in hindi
Posted onFebruary 5, 2021incontrol system, Digital electronics, electronics Branch current and loop current relation and expressed in matrix form below where II represents branch current and IK loop current.
Posted onFebruary 4, 2021inrajasthan जेंटलमैन एग्रीमेंट किसके मध्य हुआ | जेन्टलमेन्स एग्रीमेंट क्या है किसे कहते है gentleman agreement definition in hindi