Posted onJuly 8, 2022inindian, इतिहास सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता की मूर्तिकला , हड़प्पा सभ्यता से प्राप्त पत्थर की मूर्ति को क्या कहा गया है ? हड़प्पा से कौन कौन सी मूर्तियां प्राप्त हुई है ?
Posted onJuly 7, 2022July 3, 2024inBiology निम्नलिखित के कार्य बताएँ – पीत पिण्ड (कॉर्पस ल्यूटियम) , गर्भाशय अन्तःस्तर (एण्डोमेट्रियम) , अग्रपिण्डक (एक्रोसोम) , शुक्राणु पुच्छ (स्पर्म टेल)
Posted onJuly 7, 2022inBiology, chemistry An antibiotic contains nitro group attached to aromatic nucleus in its structure. It is
Posted onJuly 6, 2022inBiology, chemistry Which of the following statement is not true about the drug barbital ?
Posted onJuly 6, 2022inBiology, chemistry Barbiturates are used as ___ ? (1) analgesics. (2) food preservatives. (3) antipyretics. (4) tranquilizers.
Posted onJuly 6, 2022inBiology, chemistry Which of the following represents an analgesic ? (1) Equanil (2) Quinine (3) Novalgin (4) All of these
Posted onJuly 6, 2022inBiology, chemistry Which of the following is used as a local anesthetic agent ?